Tyrone Cloud Kubernetes Service

Automating time-consuming tasks involved in managing containers and microservices from deployment and management to scheduling and scaling Kubernetes(K8s), saves you money. Enjoy the added benefits of total customization with Pure Upstream Kubernetes from Netweb.

Portability Between Cloud

Bare-metal Performance

Ultimate Scalability

Low-latency Open source and free to use

Reduced Licensing Costs

High density

Managed Kubernetes

Netweb Cloud Kubernetes Service automates time-consuming tasks involved in managing containers and microservices from deployment and management to scheduling and scaling Kubernetes(K8s), saving you money.


  • Maximum compatibility with public container and docker.
  • Full automation- initial deployments, lifecycle management, and continuing operations.
  • Nimble architecture- fast and efficient upgrades.
  • Regular security updates & robust TLS encryption.
  • Automatic acceleration of GPU-optimized workloads.

Easy Migration from Test Environments to Production

Automation, Scalability, Security in Multi-Environment Kubernetes is what we offer. We can deploy applications in the production environment or if the application is in dev or test, the learned policy is easily migrated to production. This approach simplifies the integration and shortens the deployment time of new applications and services.