Personal Info
Storage Requirement
Requirement in TB Value not more than 4000 **
Size and type of Storage drive
RAID Required
Mode of storage
No of Gigabit Port (Default 4 port)
No of 10G port Type
No of FC port Type
No of InfiniBand port Type IOPS based on type and no. of drives :
Product selection
Model no. Specifications Qty
Verta D4ZC-36S/Opslag FS2-D4AC-36
Using 30 drives of 300GB 10K RPM SAS in RAID 6
Total of 4 volumes each having 7 drives with 5 data drives & 2 parity drive, overall 2 hotspare drives added..
For networking : 4 Default Gigabit port & added 2 nos of Gigabit ports extra. Optional Added : 2 No. of 10G port SFP+, 0 No. of FC port 16G & 0 port of HDR InfiniBand.
Opslag D2-SJC-444S
Using 44 drives of 300GB 10K RPM SAS in RAID 6
Total of 6 volumes each having 7 drives with 5 data drives & 2 parity drive, overall 2 hotspare drives added.

This is a basic sizing and configurator. This will give our specialist a good insight to come back to you for more optimised solution.
**While selecting the hard drive be careful to select larger disk if storage requirement are higher.